Feng Shui Consultations

Feng Shui Chinese Compass

Feng Shui Consultations offer a great opportunity to improve your quality of life. Whether you are living in a problem property, have had bad luck since moving house or have persistent long-term problems with abundance, career or relationships, a professional consultation can help. I offer Feng Shui consultations in Suffolk, Essex and East Anglia face to face / Zoom - as well as online consultations throughout the world.

My Feng Shui consultations can work on the following:

  • Resolving bad luck, or a feeling of being blocked or unsupported by life
  • Creating abundance in all areas of your life
  • Finding or improving a relationship
  • Increasing progress and recognition in your career
  • Finding your life path
  • Supporting your health and removing harmful influences, such as Geopathic stress and Electromagnetic Fields

A residential Feng Shui consultation will include some or all of the following:

A discussion of your life at present and what you want to achieve from the consultation

This usually lasts around an hour, and we will do some exploration to find out what it is you really want to achieve.
For example, if you have selected relationships to work on, we will discuss what aspects of relationships you want to change – be it attracting a new partner, improving an existing partnership, ending a relationship harmoniously.
We will explore the kind of qualities you want in a partnership – whether it is a serious committed relationship you would like or some light-hearted fun. This part is very important for ensuring we create the precise results you want.
We will also look at what practical steps you will need to take following the consultation to move you towards your goal.

Feng shui is based on the premise that there are three types of energy affecting us at any one time. These are 'heaven chi': the energy of the planets, 'earth chi': the energy of the earth beneath our home and 'human chi': the energy within the home.

It is important to consider all of these when analysing your current situation.

By considering the phase you are in astrologically and the phases you have been in over the last few years, we can see whether 'heaven chi' is contributing to your current situation and what opportunities and challenges you currently face as a result of these energies.

Analysis of the nine star ki can also be consulted to assess the most auspicious times and directions for moves and your best sleeping and working directions.

Geopathic Stress Surveys in Ipswich – dowsing your property for GS and treating any lines that are found

In a home where there is Geopathic stress, there will inevitably be health problems, bad luck, or problems with finances or relationships. Therefore, dowsing and removing Geopathic stress is a significant part of feng shui. This part of the consultation works to balance the 'earth chi' of your property to restore balance and harmony. More about Geopathic stress can be read about here.

Analysis of how your home relates to the surrounding environment (this is known as form school Feng Shui) and the energy flow through your home

How your home sits within the surrounding landscape will affect your life whilst you are living there. We will look at whether your property is supported by the surrounding landscape and if there are any negative influences that are contributing to your current problems. Form school is also analysed within the home to ensure furniture is positioned in the best way to give you command of the space and ensure a positive energy flow.

Feng Shui Consultations Suffolk

Analysis of the Bagua on your home

This will allow us to look closely at your priority life areas and ensure that the colours, furniture, ornaments and symbolism in these areas reflect what you want to achieve. Problem items, such as inappropriate artwork will be discussed and suggestions will be made to align furniture, pictures, colours and ornaments to maximise energy flow and take you towards your goals.
Cures will be designed to suit your budget, preferences and taste. Floorplans drawn to scale will be required for this part of the consultation.


Space Clearing and setting powerful intentions with magical incense

During the consultation, I will provide everything you need to create magical incense. This will help clear away any stuck energy as well as layers of the energy of the people who lived there before. This is not a full space clearing ceremony but a highly effective technique for clearing blocks and in their place, manifesting your desires.

As you create the incense, you will infuse it with your vision of the future, which is released to the universe over time as you burn it.


Electro-magnetic field survey – measuring the fields around key items of furniture and providing advice on how to rectify any problems found

This is an optional part of a consultation but highly recommended. It can also be provided on its own or as part of a healthy home consultation. Read more about Electromagnetic Field Surveys here.


Feedback discussion on the results of the day, and time for answering your questions

Feedback will be presented verbally at the end of the consultation.


I just wanted to tell you that the friend Kathy H whom I was uncertain about actually sent me a text 5 minutes after we had finished talking!!!! So we must have energised the link!!! And your wisdom to help me learn more also is good. I'm meeting her on Saturday, and we'll have a coffee etc.

C.J. London

Fine Art Brings Happiness

A beautiful and moving image now graces my wall: layers of vibrant colour alternatively reveal and conceal forms of significance, depicted with emotion and artistry. The abstract quality is such that it is a timeless piece I will always value and enjoy.
Thankyou !

PH Shotley Suffolk

Feng Shui Consultation for New Home

Growing up in China, I have always interested in Fengshui. As we were moving to Ipswich, I googled Fengshui consultant locally and that is how I found Rachel. I am so glad that we connected through the email initially. The house move took 9 months, Rachel was so patient, and she offered me advice through the process. I was so excited to meet her the day after we moved in. It provided us with a lot of comfort and guidiance at the new home. With her consultation, we had a much better understanding of the new space. Rachel is very intuitive, she did the dowsing, cleared the geopathic stress by using 'acupuncture'. The ritual she carried out involved all family member, so it was rather special.  By using Fengshui principle and combined with our personal astrology, Rachel pointed out where the 'special corners' in our house, for example the wealth, relationship, friends and helpful people etc; She also helped us choose the interior colour, elemental accessories, positive symbolism in art works etc. I am so glad that I have found Rachel. It made us settle in and connect with our new home much quicker. The declutter has given us a much healthier space to live in. Whenever I feel disconnected with our home, I try to use some of the Fengshui she taught us to refresh and cleanse. I am so grateful that I contacted Rachel at the first place. 

Feng Shui Resolved Serious Mental Health Issue

I asked for Rachels help with a young family member. They were having mental health issues which involved refusing to attend school, withdrawing from friendship groups and showing signs of psychosis. Rachel discussed with me her findings regarding her birth date and time in relation to her specialised work. Together we put a plan in place as I was to help. I carried out her recommendations. She stated that this time would come to an end this Spring and they would be through the part of the chart that was causing the chaos. I am so excited to report that they were again attending school until the lockdown. She is fully interacting with her family and is again part of her friendship group. Due to the lockdown and her now being well she is catching up with the school work she missed and will be ready to start again when the time comes. She is now off all medication which included ADHD and antidepressant prescription drugs. I cannot thank Rachel enough. If you are on the fence regarding her work, don’t be, it will be the best thing you could do for yourself and those you care for.

Feng Shui Consultation Solved Tenant Crisis Ipswich

"Before I got in touch with Rachel, I was at a loss to know what to do. I had bought a flat to rent out in Ipswich, but it attracted the wrong types of tenants. The previous three tenants had either not paid their rent or had left the flat in a very bad state of repair, or both. In effect, I was just chucking money into a big black hole. I wanted to keep the flat, which I would eventually pass on to my son, but I still had the mortgage to pay. After reading about feng shui and the effect it can have, I was keen to find out more. I contacted Rachel and she explained what she intended to do and why. Admittedly, I was a bit sceptical at first, but I was keen to give it a go. Much to my amazement, after a six month rent void, that same week, a potential tenant turned up at the flat. The couple liked what they saw and moved in within two weeks. Much to my relief, they also paid the rent on time. I highly recommend Rachel to anyone in a similar situation."

Amanda Paterson, Ipswich

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