If you are interested in Feng Shui and want to find out about a bit more about it, welcome. This page contains some background information and some information on my Feng Shui consultations, as well as links to popular Feng Shui information such as how to clear clutter, Geopathic stress and EMF's (electro magnetic fields.)
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the art of placement, developed in ancient China. Translated literally, it means 'wind water' and this can be explained as follows. The most ideal place to live is in the middle of the mountain - not at the top where it is very windy and exposed - and not at the bottom where it is damp and you could get flooded (water). So the middle is the balance between wind and water.
Feng Shui is all about balance - creating a harmonious living environment that supports the people living there and creating lives which are meaningful, happy and flowing.
A good modern day definition for Feng Shui is "to help people and buildings interact harmoniously with the environment in order to enhance quality of life".
A definition I like is: Having good Feng Shui = proceeding harmoniously through life, living in a state of wellbeing and being in the right place at the right time.
The approach I use combines the following:
Click on the links below for more information on Feng Shui consultations and what they include:
Consultations can be carried out as a full day, or over a number of days - via Zoom or at your home / office. The price of the consultation varies depending on the size of your property, whether it is online or onsite and if any optional extras are required.
I offer a free, no-obligation call or Zoom chat to discuss your situation and then advise the best way I can work with you. Before the consultation, I will send you forms to gather the information I require, and also instructions on how to create an accurate fkoorplan. I can create the flooplan for you, on the day - however it is better if you can send it to me in advance.
Follow up consultations can be carried out - and are recommended annually - as each year the energies change, both astrologically - affecting your energy also and flying star combinations in your home. A mini consultation each year will help you fine tune the energies in your home or office and assist you in utilising the astrology influencing you for a highly positive year.
I also provide ongoing Feng Shui mentoring via Zoom, to assist you, as you implement the changes - which is highly valuable for clients seeking big life transitions. This service is also excellent when you are in a particularly auspicious period! Every day counts in these times - and I can help you plan each month and work much deeper to create profound success.
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